Applications That May Be Needed To Correct Your Dental Alignment

If your teeth are crooked, your dentist may suggest an orthodontic correction. However, multiple orthodontic services may be required to give you straighter teeth. 

Here are a few common applications that may be needed to realign your teeth.


Having teeth pulled may seem to have little to do with a straighter smile. However, some people have too many teeth in their mouth to permit the proper alignment of the teeth. As a result, the teeth may present in a crowded configuration. When the oral cavity is too small for the number of teeth present, the dentist may suggest the extraction of some of the teeth.

Once the extra teeth are removed, there may be enough space for the remaining teeth to move into their correct positions. The dentist can then move forward with the alignment treatment. The extractions do not interfere with the patient's ability to speak or chew. They simply offer more room along the palate for the movement of the teeth.

Braces or Aligners

If there is enough room for the teeth to be moved into a straight alignment, the dentist may prescribe braces or aligners. Braces can be used for alignment problems of varying severity. They can be used for people with minor, moderate, or severe misalignments. 

Braces are comprised of brackets, elastic bands, and an archwire. The brackets are bonded to teeth. For traditional braces, the brackets are placed on the front of the teeth. However, for lingual braces, the brackets are applied to the side of the teeth that lies adjacent to the tongue. The archwire, which can be adjusted to apply different amounts of alignment pressure, is attached to the brackets with the elastic ligatures.

Aligners, which can also be used to straighten the teeth, are typically prescribed for patients with moderate or minor misalignments. The appliance is constructed of clear plastic and consists of multiple sets of aligning trays that are used in a specific order. Each set of aligners furthers the progression of the alignment.


After the treatment with braces or aligners is complete, a retainer may be needed to help keep the teeth in their new positions. The retainer may be worn for the entire day or only at night. Often, over time, the patient is able to wear the retainer for increasingly fewer hours.

To learn more about orthodontic treatments, schedule a consultation with a dentist or orthodontist in your local area.
